Wlopun Ni Artikel uda Lama Aq Tlizz Tpi Bru aja bsa Aq Kluarin Coz Banyaknya MsalAh Yang ada ~~wkwkkwkwk *Sok Sibukh*
Okay, Do U KnOW wHAt's Mean Olympus??
Well, In Greek mythology the mountain Of Olympus was regarded as the "home of the gods", specifically of the Twelve Olympians, the twelve principal gods of the ancient Hellenistic world. Any climb to Mount Olympus starts from the town of Litochoro, which took the name City of Gods because of its location on the roots of the mountain.
Ataw~~ Untuk Lebih Jelazna Ni Aq KSi De Penjelasannya~
Gunung Olympus merupakan gunung tertinggi di Yunani dengan ketinggian 2919 meter. Gunung ini terletak sekitar 100 km dari Thessaloniki, kota kedua terbesar di Yunani. Gunung Olympus terkenal akan kekayaan tanamannya. Puncak tertinggi gunung ini adalah Mitikas, pada ketinggian 2919 meter. Dalam bahasa Yunani, Mitikas berarti hidung. Mitikas juga merupakan puncak tertinggi di Yunani, disusul Skolio dengan ketinggian 2912 meter. Setiap pendakian menuju Gunung Olympus, dimulai dari kota Litochoro, yang biasa disebut Kota Para Dewa karena lokasinya di kaki Gunung Olympus.
So, Para Kakak2 OsIS Dan seKolah Baru kita Ini Berharap Agar Nantinya Kita dapat bertahan Tetap Seperti Gunung Ini~ Dan Menjadi yang Terbaikh~
SMA Negeri 1 Singaraja is the topmost-rated public school in Kabupaten Buleleng for its consistencies of being the highest achiever in the National Examination (UN), in the Science Olympiads held in regency, provincial (regional), national, and even international level, as well as in other contests or championships either in academic or non-academic field. The school is trusted to be developed into an International-Level Public School (SBI). The development project was started in the academic year of 2006/2007 with a "by class" approach, and altered in the academic year of 2007/2008 to a "by subject" approach. The project alteration is based on the Surat Keputusan Direktur Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Atas, issued by Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Departemen Pendidikan Nasional No.802.a/C4/MN/2006.
As for that, a School Development Investment Plan (SDIP), has been designed, as well as the improvements in the field of the human resources quality for teachers and supporting staff, school management, teaching-learning process (including bilingual lessons, e-learning, applications of various teaching methods, advanced assesment), teaching and learning resources, and school admittance systems which are modeled to the level of an International-level Public School.
The Admitance System in the academic year of 2008/2009 consists of two division: Academic Achievement Admittance (JPA) and Academic Achievemet Test Admittance (JTPA). This system was devised to present the high-quality input to the school, in which these potential students are ready to compete in regional, national, and even international level.
Well, So Let's Through A New Life In A New School~~
And Make It A New Achievement~~