
Once a time... a thing that thought to be the worthiest thing could be a worthless thing,,,

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

ThE oLyMpus New ScHool~

Well, Back Again With Me aFter Long Time Not seeing u guyss~
Wlopun Ni Artikel uda Lama Aq Tlizz Tpi Bru aja bsa Aq Kluarin Coz Banyaknya MsalAh Yang ada ~~wkwkkwkwk *Sok Sibukh*

Okay, Do U KnOW wHAt's Mean Olympus??
Well, In Greek mythology the mountain Of Olympus was regarded as the "home of the gods", specifically of the Twelve Olympians, the twelve principal gods of the ancient Hellenistic world. Any climb to Mount Olympus starts from the town of Litochoro, which took the name City of Gods because of its location on the roots of the mountain.
Ataw~~ Untuk Lebih Jelazna Ni Aq KSi De Penjelasannya~
Gunung Olympus merupakan gunung tertinggi di Yunani dengan ketinggian 2919 meter. Gunung ini terletak sekitar 100 km dari Thessaloniki, kota kedua terbesar di Yunani. Gunung Olympus terkenal akan kekayaan tanamannya. Puncak tertinggi gunung ini adalah Mitikas, pada ketinggian 2919 meter. Dalam bahasa Yunani, Mitikas berarti hidung. Mitikas juga merupakan puncak tertinggi di Yunani, disusul Skolio dengan ketinggian 2912 meter. Setiap pendakian menuju Gunung Olympus, dimulai dari kota Litochoro, yang biasa disebut Kota Para Dewa karena lokasinya di kaki Gunung Olympus.

So, Para Kakak2 OsIS Dan seKolah Baru kita Ini Berharap Agar Nantinya Kita dapat bertahan Tetap Seperti Gunung Ini~ Dan Menjadi yang Terbaikh~

SMA Negeri 1 Singaraja is the topmost-rated public school in Kabupaten Buleleng for its consistencies of being the highest achiever in the National Examination (UN), in the Science Olympiads held in regency, provincial (regional), national, and even international level, as well as in other contests or championships either in academic or non-academic field. The school is trusted to be developed into an International-Level Public School (SBI). The development project was started in the academic year of 2006/2007 with a "by class" approach, and altered in the academic year of 2007/2008 to a "by subject" approach. The project alteration is based on the Surat Keputusan Direktur Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Atas, issued by Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Departemen Pendidikan Nasional No.802.a/C4/MN/2006.

As for that, a School Development Investment Plan (SDIP), has been designed, as well as the improvements in the field of the human resources quality for teachers and supporting staff, school management, teaching-learning process (including bilingual lessons, e-learning, applications of various teaching methods, advanced assesment), teaching and learning resources, and school admittance systems which are modeled to the level of an International-level Public School.

The Admitance System in the academic year of 2008/2009 consists of two division: Academic Achievement Admittance (JPA) and Academic Achievemet Test Admittance (JTPA). This system was devised to present the high-quality input to the school, in which these potential students are ready to compete in regional, national, and even international level.

Well, So Let's Through A New Life In A New School~~

And Make It A New Achievement~~


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jalani MOS DenGan SaBar,Tenang Dan SeMangat^^

Hoyyy KembLi lgie Ni~~~
Krank nii Msa Liburan Udah mulae Berakhir~~
sO U dah Syap2 mAw Skul D~~
Gmana Tmen2 Pda Udh Syap Blom

Oke Walopun Agak Pribadi Bwat Tmen2 Yg Maw Msuk Ke SMANSA SINGARAJA Yang Akan Menjalani MOS~ Taw Ngga' MOS tuu Apa??*y iylah*
MOS tuu Adalah Surname Of the Masa Orientasi Siswa Kita Nanti Akan Dibina dan Dibimbing Oleh Para OSIS~~ Wahhh~~^^

O Y Bgi Calon Siswa Niii ad iNFo~~
There's~~ Untuk Download tUGASNA bSA dI dONlot Disni ~~^^ Yakni Lirik Mars SMANSA yg Hruzz bersama2 kIta Hapalkan~

Mars SMAN 1 Singaraja.pdf
Truuzzz Yg Maw Taw Lguna Juga Bsa Donlot Di Link Ini~~~
Mars SMA Negeri 1 Singaraja.mp3
Truzzz Yg Tdi ngga' dTEng Ke SmansA Niii Ada Info Dikiet~~ Tgl 9,10 dan,11 Akan Diadakan Wawancara Untuk para Murid yg Diurut Yakni Sbg Brikutt~~
Gelombang 1 (JP N' JTPA 1-31) tgl 9 Gelombang 2 (JTPA 32-96) Tgl 10 dan Sisanya Msuk Gelombang Tiga~~^^
Oke nANTI akan Diwawancara Menggunakan Bahasa Inggriss~ Untuk Diketahui Kemampuan Berbahasa Inggrisna~~demi Peng
aturan Kelaszz~~^^ Truuzz Tgl 12 Msuk Lgi Jam 6 dan Peraturanna Ngga' Bleh Tlat,Cwe Kuncir 12, Truzz Cwo Dicukur 1 1 1*ngerti kahn~~^^* Truzzz Msih Bnyak Deee Peraturanna Yg Brat2 Pokona Haruzz Ditaati. O ya Guys Ada Lgi Klian Mesti Bawa Double Folio 10 Lembar aliazzz 40 Halaman*buzzet* Truzz Bwat Buku Pelanggaran *yg Ngga' taw Buku Pelanggran Tu apa? Tanya Tmen y~~* Wahhh Sibuukk Deh~
Yang Penti kita Hrus Ngadepinna Dengan Tenang Dan Sbar~~^^ & Jangan Lupa Jga SEmAngat!!!

By The Way Orank Bilank Di Daerah Laen MOS tuu Hruzz Dijadikan Sebuah Momentum Berharga Lho So~~ Pda kk Kelaz Sekalean Hope That We Will Make A Nice Moment With U Now In this Student Orientation Time ~~^^

FIghTinggg!! Jia You~~~!! Ganbatte Kudasai~~ XP

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The MArVeloUs Girls' Generation 2nd Mini ALbum~

Woyy Guyss~~ Kembali Lgi ni~~ So, Now, I Will Tell U My Opinion 'Bout The 2nd Mini Album From Soo Nyeo Shi Dae Or Girls' Generation~ The Girls Band From Korean That All Have A Beautifull Face~~^^
Okay So Maybe All The SNSD(The resume Of
Soo Nyeo Shi Dae) Fans ALready know 'bout That But Let Me Tell It 2 U Guys That Don't Know It At All/ That Want 2 read It More~~^^

29 June 2009
, in Korea,
SNSD /Girls’ Generation’s mini-album “Tell Me Your Wish (Genie)“ was released and it has gathered many mixed feelings. The album contains a total of 6 songs, which include “Tell Me Your Wish (Genie)”, “Etude”, “Girlfriend”, “Boyfriend”, “Fairytale (My Child)” and lastly a duet between SNSD’s Jessica and SHINee’s Onew, “One Year Later”. Many have been debating the fact this mini album was not satisfying and it was a rushed release. Truthfully, I have to agree. Although the mini album itself is good and all, I think some of the songs choices are… eh. I can’t help but to like the track “Fairytale (My Child)” because of how pure it sounds and how adorable it is as it sounds like a children’s song. But on the other hand, I’m not a big fan of the songs “Girlfriend” and “Boyfriend” but other than those songs, I’m fine with this album. In other news, SNSD’s new mini album has reached the pre-order sales rate of 80k. WOW! Looks like SNSD might pass the 100k+ mark again (which will be the third time if so). Also, a funny typo has been found in the album. In the back where the lyrics are contained, for SNSD’s Jessica and SHINee’s Onew’s duet, Jessica’s name was spelled incorrectly. It was spelled JASSICA. I mean that definitely proves this mini album was rushed, no? And out of all the news to make a type of, the name of a SNSD member is spelled incorrectly?....^^

So That's All The Information 'Bout SNSD 2nd Mini ALbum~~ Interesting,Isn't It??^^ Heheheheh

And There was An incident 'bout The Tiffany Underwear Problems But I think It SHould Be already settl
ed Now^^

OKay If U wANT 2 Download The FUll Album Let Me Give U A link~~


Friday, July 3, 2009

2nD Outbonds Experience~~

Hi~~ Guysss~~ Ni BLog Ku yang pertama So Aq Ga' Taw Apakah Blog Ku Ini Dapat Berguna... Bagus atw Tidak...But, I Just Give My Self A Hand That Makes My Confidence Up~~^^
Okay Guys~~
Hari Ini Aq Pergi ke Sebuah Kebun Yang Amat Padat Akan Pepohonan*lebay mode on* Yahh Bsa Dibilang Aq Tdi Ada Di Dlem Hutan~~ Disana Ada Arena Bermain Yang Namana TREETOP So, Friends Do U KnoW Where I was Going That Moment??? I gO tO tHE BALI TREETOP Disna Ada Banyak Macam peRmainan Untuk Menguji aNdrenalin anda Sekalian heheheheheh^^ *Ge-Je*
But, Ni Pengalaman Kedua Ku Disana So, That Was A Fun & Amazing Experience That I hAd In This Graduation Holidays~ Oh~~, I Almost Forget 2 tell U That In That Place We Not also Can Feel The AD
eat Of The TREETOP,FLYINGFOX,etc.. But, We also can Enjoy The Clearness Air Of The Forest That Is Less-Polution~~~ Hmmm~~ Just Thinking Of It Make Me So Light~~~^^
O y aQ bLom Crita Dlam Rencana Apa Aq Kesana~~Aq Kesana Coz' Para Auntie Ku yg Dre Surabaya Dteng Untuk Liburan So, Untuk Mengisi Waktu Libiranku Yg Kosong Melompong Di
RUmah Ini Tanpa Kerjaan yang Jelazzz Aq Daijak Oleh My Mum nTuk Ikut Pergi Kesana Pertama Sii Aq Ngrasa BT berat Cozzz'
1# Aq da Pernah Nyba Maen tu TREETOP
2# Aq Gi Asik Nge-Net Tu Pas Diajak
3#Bdan Lgi pgel2 abizz Kmaren Olahraga~~^^
Oleh Krena 3 Sebab Itulah Aq Kesell Tapi Untungnya Sampai Disana Wahhh Seru Abizzzzzz~^^
Oke , aQ Setujui Klo Eamnk treetop Di Bali Emank OKE~~
SO, Buat Tmen2 Smua Yang Bosen Ma Tempat2 Hiburan Yang Biasa Kalian Kunjungi Kalian Bisa Dateng Ke Kebun Raya, Bedugul- Bali Dimana Ada BerBagai mAcam Permainan Yang Seru~~*Promosi Oy*^^ Truuzzz ASatu lagi Disanan jUgA ada Banyak Tourist Yang menunggu Kalian Lho~~*koq Ngga' Jlazz gi Siii*
Oke D Sorry y klO ada Yang SALAh Maklum sii Msih Amatirr Ni bwatnya~~~^^
But Anyway Thanks 4
visiting My Bl0G and Wait 4 The Other Post 'bOut Anything That Occures In mY liFe~~

O Y By The Way Ni ada Fotoku Pas Waktu TreeTop Check It Out~