
Once a time... a thing that thought to be the worthiest thing could be a worthless thing,,,

Monday, May 31, 2010

My OLD World

Well Guys... I'm back From The Darkest Hell Now~ LOL *i mean Final Semester Testsssss(Banyaktestna)

Well After Doing My best In That Test.. I fOUND my self really.. What Is it?? CrAzY?? ObnoXious? Vigilant?? Whatever LOL~

But... Now,, After Doing That Testtsssssss And Attending *PASCA SAT ( After Test~) I felt Relaxed~ Despite My boredom In My hOuse... Well Sometimes I feel Terrible Becoz Of Myself And Sometimes I Feel That I hAVE no Grief In This Society...........I don't Know Why.. But I Found That Really pit a pat and not quite long time,, i fouNd The sources,,, ..,,, It's because there's new Obstacles that i must faced in this life although i have so much obstacles that nobody has clearly knows about it...................Well The Obstacles Will be Explored Next TIme......................*Gotta Wait For Y' *

Back Again, this Topic Title.. "OLD world" maybe just so silly..,,nevertheless i found myself again all together ...Friends, Happiness, It's All Spread Upon My Mind After The Final Semester Tests... Maybe U Guys Think This Blog is CRAZY, SUCK, and such A JERK But,,, It's all The Things That Crumbled In My Mind...

i just Figured it out how to solve my boredom...*LOL KOQ g Nyambunk??*
  1. Watch MOvIEE / Read Novel, Books Or Whatever *it sure is Times-tAking*
  2. Write A bLog...
  3. EAT!
  4. Hanging Out With Friends..
  5. And of Course.. SInging And Laughing *Is This Make any sense?
Well, Next time I'll BE sure To Put It All Here My Holidays Activities,, But For Now I Think This Kinda scrawl text Will Relieve All My Stress *Huwalalalala*

So, I Think Thats' all Just For Now,.,
And for ANNA KRISTINA, *Hope She'S not Read This*Impossible**

Well See Ya~
By: Sekichi Yura

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Threatened Grief~~

HoWdy guys~~^^

Sebenerna bbrapa hari ni aq mesti berusaha keras belajar untuk menghadapi SAT yg semakin dekat~ alhasil kepalaku lagi puyeng krank ngebayangin soal-soal SAT yg tak wajar dari para guru-guru killer
But,,, Aq rasa prinsip itu udah g bekerja lagi untukku~ taw kenapa????
  • sayA Bermain dengan hati gembira
  • tenaga terkuras gara2 PiLEk MelER G Berenti2 Slama 2 Hari Berturut2*Krank da sembuh sih hee...*
  • Just Ignore iT~~ Ignore It~ LOL*Ge-Je*
  • And... Krankk~~ Mestina Sih Blajar Bio, Bwat Syap2 Hari SabTu yg maTERInA SeGempok Tapi~~~~~ AQ MAlah bErsanTe Gla~>.< Wkwkkwkwkw
Yahh,, Yang past Keseharean SAT EMank Menyulitkan............
Hari Pertama,, MATH Was The Fucking Bitch One!!!!!! XCCC Waktu 90 menit 30 SOAL KILLER Dari Guru2 ternama*kebalikanna XP* Dan,, Ternyata~ Anda Tahu?????

Tu Soal SebAGean beSAR diambil dari sOal SAT tAHun 2008/2009 ASSHole~!! Hyaihhh~~ Mati mati ck,,ck,,ck,, hare keduA,,,,,, Yah,, Yg Ni Masik Bsa Diatasi Cma Fisika na yG Menyulitkan Hueheheheh
Third Day'',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, PKN hAncur Mina ~ G' tAw Dah tu Hasilna Wkwkwkw MAteri 2 Buku Yg Membludak tu bner2 serangan Mauth
N' Today~~~ HUm... ECONOMY!!!!!! That kinda fella SUCKs! More THan I knew it before~~ XC

G' KREATIF~~ Tu Sorakan pertama
MENYEBALKAN~~ Tu Tereakan Kedua
SOB SOB!!!~~~ Tu YG ketiga XD
BASTARD!~~ Tu YG tErakher~ Dan Gw Berencana untuk commend that action in this midnight wwkwkwk LOL*Pdahal Bsokna WAISAK *Parah parah,,*


I hOpe All Of My TENONE friends Keep Staying in There~^^


Well,, I guess It's Already An eNough Amount Of Writing
Keep In Touch~

btw mles Nge-dit~ Sori Y XP*Koq blank sori sih?* XD

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Something'bout Task~

Well Guys, I Have some New News To Share WIth U Guys~^^ First Was ABout My task..

Oh,, For Heaven Sake I haven't make My Physics Yet~ LOL~ well I Know That IT will Be Collected Next Week~ But, As A HUman We mUst Be dilligent rAit?

But after all i really am confuse because yesterday, i didn't come to my physic private class, instead of that i joined a 'Dharma Exploration' Or U can Call it 'Puja Bhakti' In A Small Cetiya~ Basically, i and Anna my friend came there only to collect some task,, but, it turned out to be a unspeakable moment~ u know What???

The Monk That Attending That exploration was Sucirano Monk~ well, he was quite famous and he had that funny way to explain something toward us~ he gave us so many advice and certainty in our own religion but, to be honest, i'm still a lil' bit confuse 'bout that~And more specifically i guess belief is not the one but certainty was the one~ then, after a great Dhammadesana~ We Went To meet our teacher, and the other friends

But, anna said that she must go home that time b'coz her father was already waiting for her,, and so,, i came to my friends and have a little chit-chat there... Then, someone asked me to eat, but, i confront them because i had already eaten so,, after a sincere goodbye~ i went home.........

well, i presumed that in my whole life this was my first time traveling by myself in a night~,, so i went to buy some snacks and then going home,,,it was a short distance anyway nevertheless, i felt really free, and energetic,, so i said for my self that i can't wait another time for my start my own life.............................

Well guys, after re-read my own handwriting it was absurd i guess~ LOL it sounds a bit dramatic*nope*, a bit melancholy *nah* RoFL~
Yah Just Write All that come off my mind this time ~ SO See, Ya On My Next Book~^^

Ohh,, I ALmost forget,,... I Hope That my private teacher won't be angry with us~~~~~

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Boring~ Boring~


Bosenn Mati~~Gwa Lama2 bsa jamuran nih disini diem mulu disudut kamar mendekam, ditemeni HP, Lappie, ma snacks2 wkwkwkwk *koq mlah nyeritain isi kmar sih?*

Btw,, dsisni mule libur nih *KABOOM horee libur* pertamana sih kya gtu bsa happy2 all the time~ tapii,,,, dipikir2 salah jga y ~~~ Why???? U Asked mE why???
SHUT Up Lah~~Syalalala *LOh?*

U Know It just so frustrating if i keeping my mind only on my task, my books that towering besides my lappie~~*jrang dibuka boo,,*plus, debu2 yg tebalna melebihi tebal sabuah sandal kaki terbaik sepanjang masa*Lebay nih ye*

Oke Masuk ke point utama~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ BUoseenn Banget Nih! Sumpah, walopun uda ada segalon game-*duh salah ni kata bantuna*pun, seikat??komik dan selain2nya~*paan sih?* aq ttp bosen why????*lagi*
  1. KebanyaKan Game2 Yg Aq Maenin Pada Game Rumahan Yg uda Pada Tamat*Sok*XD
  2. KOmik2 yg Aq Tunggu2 Blon Ad Update-an Na~ sama sekali *padahal mupeng ni XC*
  3. Pingin Jalan2 TaPi Gra2 Ngliat ada tugaz n' Maw SAT(Semester Academic Test) G Jadi~~ XP
Haihh~~ Pusink Nih,, dan alhasil sekarang saya hanya bsa menyanyi gla2an sambil jingkrak2 gak karuan wkwkwkwkwk,,,,and U KnOW wHAt?? hasil dari kegiLAan Ntu~ 2 Dre Tgas Ku Udah lESe!!!! *YAY!!!* Wkwkwkwk Hbat Tuh pAdahal G Da Hubungannya Koq Bsa y??*LoH? Nanya Lagi?!*

Nah,,, Sekarang Ni~~ Bingung Maw Ngapain~~~~~ Arghhh~!@#$%^&*((())) Botak Nih Lama2 LOL *apa Hubungannya Cba?*
Yah Inilah Hasil Kegilaan saya saudara2 sekalian~~~ XDD

Anyway Nih Saudara2 *?*
saya Laper~ wkwkwkwkwkwk Pingin Mkan~,~o~ *g da gambar makan y?*Ad YG Maw Berbagi Dgn sayakah? XD

Duhh~~ Tambah Lama ISi2 Blog Ne Makin Ngwaur N' G Jlas Semua Nih~ Y Udah Deh ThANx Y Klian Maw BAca Blog G Guna Nih~*Yg baca Pasti boring Juga XP soalna maw baca*

Btw Si kucrut Maw Maem Dulu Ampe Ktemu Di nexT Job Deh~~ XD

Directed by: Sekichi Yura
Do What U wAnt Before U Regret It~

Friday, May 7, 2010

My Odd School life

Pas tadi Di Skul Emank Saat2 Plink Aneh, Weird, and Odd In My Life ~~

OKay, Coz Today IS My School English Day, From Here I'll Use English~
U know lah the school activities that every students had was so dramatic and happy, i guess but, basically this kind of limit in my school was so extra-ordinary coz' my school will have a turnout events to be an international standard school, so, the teachers, the students organization members were all very busy to prepare anything.. but, in the other sides, me as the cool student(XDD) and some of my friends were having a serious controversial problem about,,,,,,,,,,, yah i think every peoples know it already that we as the teenagers were still unbalanced and like to looking for a girlfriend so,,,,, i have o day this was marvelous becoz' i can take a part in my friends problems,,, at first i never thought that i would be able to take some wise word, some great advice to my friends, but as things turns out great after it, I Think i have some kinds of ability in nurturing , caring and maybe a busybody toward another person but,,, I know that i should not over-reacted in everything that i had known this far, But, I'm Happy for you guys,,,^^

This Uniqueness gave me a shock back then when i was coming into my first problem, but i think becoz of my own problems and experiences, i can deliver a great advice for them to make them calmer, and comfortable,,,

Sometimes people sees me as a busybody one but, i have my own certainty that i don't care what people think about me and what people said behind me but i care about what people criticize from me and what people observe from me

Wkwkwkwkwk LOL Btw These Text above from mine was so melancholy xIXIXIXIXIXIX
oH Yeah, Besides having a busy day, tomorrow we will have a lesson study
me and my friends from TenOne Class and My Sophomores from First Eleventh Science Class, BUt, generally it's just not Fair~~~~ Why must we got the Sociology Lesson, while The other one were having physics~??????

Haihhhh That's Disgraceful*here comes my bad habit*
Hahahhahaha Anyway I Thought Tomorrow Will be A tIring Day also Like Always,,
Btw I Heard MY Friend Bangkit*A Girl* Will Competing In A Paper-work project is that right??? XP so,,,
gOOd LuCK bAngKit!!!! Give Your Best!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never Give Up!!!!!!!!!!

For The Last~~ tHe Trivia... jUSt now i forgot to come to the headmaster's room for an interview XPP~~

So,, See You oN mY NeXT Book~^^

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Long Time NO See~~

Haihhhhhh akhirnyaa,,, setelah lama g buka buka ni blog akhirnya aq bka lagi juga kira-kra sudah brapa lama y aq G ngidupin ni blog??? wkwkwkwkwww rasana uda lama bnget tpi krank aq maw lanjutin deh,,~
But anyway aq g maw nyritaen hal2 yg aneh2 lagi krank aq maw nyritain apa aja yg aq lakuin selama hidupku ni selama hampir 2 semester aq mengemban pendidikan di sekolahku saat ni SMANSA,,
Berbage rintangan yg ada dalam kehidupanku aq jalani dgn amat mendebarkan dmulae dri banyak masalah di klaz ku banyaknya hambatan tugas dari para guru-guru kurang beradab~~pada siswanya XD

Yah Pelajaran di kelasku ini TENONE/Program umum memang beragam dan tak terkontrol dari sononya,,, mule dare

Math, Physic, Chemistry, Biology, Sociology, geography, economy, civics, sports, english, indonesia, chinese arts, manner, counseling, ICT, and another strict curricullar, clubs, WhatEver! That keeping ma mind up until now but,,, all of joy and bless that the god had given to us was really marvelous b'coz it can make us stay in touch together in tis year although somebody were missing~~~

Emank sih Hdup anak SMA MemANG slah satu hidup yang menyenangkan katanya ~ Tapi By The way,,,, Dengan masalah-masalah yang tak kan cukup jika diceritakan satu persatu mulae dari suksesi ulang tahun skula, masalah antar kelas, masalah inter-kelas, cekcok, ribut, uyud, ampe masalah kecil pun,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wahhh Panjangnya bsa nyampe 5 KM Kertas HVS Ukuran A4 wwjkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkw*Ge-je* Hah???

Owh Y~~ krank Jam Brapa Y??? Wwkwkwkw koq Aq G blajar Y??? pDhal khidupan skul diskulku yg penuh dengan tugas dan masalah neee kahn mestina menyiksa tpi??? percaya g percaya~ emank aq serink sih blank kata2 kyea ' HAdooHHHH' 'bSA gLA nIh' ' Mati Gwa' 'gla banyak bnget' Tpiii Sbenerna dre lubuk hati terdalam aq byasa ja tuh g da ngrumuk sama skali ngga kyea slah satu tmenku yg bkin aq ilfeel ma dya~~~ koq bsa dya kyea gtu???? aneh bin ajaib dyatuh serink bnget teriak2 g jelas disertai matana yg aneh XP*Sorry nyinggung*
Doh Koq jadi ngomongin dya sih~?? Y udah gAnti Topikkk

Bsok Tuh Y Padahal udah Mesti Bangun Jam 4, Buka kompi*Loh?*, Maen Dulu*Lah?*, Remed Chemist*pertama Klina Booo DI Semester 2(Lebay)*, Ulangan Third Dimensional (math) Yg Kedua~ Tpi koq??????????????????????????????? AQ g SiAP2 aPA2 y??????? KOQ aq G Tdur Y????
N' Btw Aq nanya ma sapa nih???*Mule Kumat* wkwkwkw

Haihhh Aq Emank Tergolonk Anak Yg aneh Bin Kucruut Wkkwkwkwkw Dengan Kacamata menghiasi wajahku ngga' slah tmen2 nganggep aq krang waras~~Tpi Yah~ Aq Sih take it easy ja
no prob,, don't care, wkwkwkw
that's my traits that everyone wondering from me~~

And Aq Seneng Bnget pA SsLah satu temnku blank " koq enak y jadi u tyap hari seneng bnget ambil ngakak gla~ wkwkwkwkwkwk" Nah 1 lagi fun facts bout me ~
aq klo ketawa bsa g terkendali luar dalem~~ bsa 2 tba2 gerak2 g jelas truz ketawana tanpa suara wkwkwkwkwkkwkwkwkw

Loh?? Koq aq Malah Nyritain aQ sIh?? Lah EMank Donk~!!?? HAH?? WTH???!!!


Directed by: Yura XP

Impossible is nothing~ XD