
Once a time... a thing that thought to be the worthiest thing could be a worthless thing,,,

Sunday, June 20, 2010

waITing in A Ship~ XP

hEy guysss HOwdyyy,,,
gwa krank gi ad di kapal ni,,wkwkwkww byasa Lburannn XD

NOw i'm still waiting for the ship to move on to my next destination XD Surabaya,,,,,,

yeahh as i've inform u b4 that i'll went through my holidays smoothly,, but it just very boring at home,, so i decided to see Surabaya a little while,, tough,,,
well now i'm in a cozy, dirty restaurant in this ship,, yahh u know lah it feels so,,,,,,what y??
Exciting to see many peoples go upside and down wkwkwkwkwk

well i guess that's all for now,,,
gotta go guysss coz i'm writing this on my mobile right now so,,,,,
take caree,,
and i can't wait for my new novels wklwkwkwkw LOL

sorry i don't use any smilies coz,,, once again i'm using mobile phone now

well see ya~^^

directed by:
Sekichi Yura

Monday, June 14, 2010

Me~ And My Holidays~

Well Guys...

kembali Nih Yura~ Wkwkwkw XDD
Karank nih uda mule Lburan Hari pertama Di Singaraja*ataw lbih tepatna Skolahku~ XP

Yahh,, Meski Dgn Hati Dongkol Krena Jurusanku ngga' dimasukin tapi yah~ maw gmana lagi tu orank2orank emank pada sirik kli y baru orank maw masuk IB(Languange Class)~~ Grrrrrrr~~!!!
Banyak Msalah N' Kejadian sih Slama Akhir SAT nih *U know SAT aren't u, if u following my previous post*
Salah Satuna Y,, Friends Problems, My Problems, And Of Course*koq banyak kle katana satu LOL* The Happiest One TENONE farewell~ XP Well Tenone iS not Just a High-Well Built Class ~ But SOmetimes.. it's also the craziest class i've ever in for 1 year~~ *despite my secondary school life tough
OKee,, Aq Critain Yg Happiest ja Deh LOL~~ Nih Pas Farewell Party For TENONE Di Humzna Bangkit,,, YG Bayarin Anna Ma Bangkit Sih *Plus Karina YG Bwa Mnuman XP~*

Disana We Held "Blazing" Party~^^ khekhekhe
Maybe Blazing Is not the right word XDD.. Lanjut~ Kita Ngadain Acara Bakar Ikan Sbagai Farewell partyna~ Pokokna Seru abiss dEh.. Tmen2 Pada Kocak Semua *Klo Inget2 Maw Ketawa Mulu Bawaannya~.. Yah Pokokna sERU abiz Deh Tuh Acara~
Nih Aq Kasik Salah Satu Fotona Y~
Check It Out!!
Gmana???? Tuh pas Ngebakar Ikan Lho Huwehehehhehe*Koq Sempet Y Narsis XDD*

Pokokna Seru Deh Happy Banget,, Walopun Lagi entar Bakalan Pisah ma Mreka Semua*G Pisah Total Sih* T.T
TAPI tETEup aja~~ SERU!!!!!!!!

KhekHekhEK Oke Deh Guys, Sekian Dulu Krank Kpan2 Aq Nulis Lagi Byee~~

directed By: Sekichi Yura